
Homerton Hope Charitable Partnership

Quinn London is proud to have partnered with Homerton Hope over the past 12 months, this charitable partnership has been a significant endeavour for Quinn London, reflecting our deep commitment to the communities where we operate.

Although Homerton University Hospital receives funding from the NHS, the Homerton Hope charity enables the hospital to raise extra funds beyond NHS provisions. This allows for the enhancement of services and improvement of patient experiences. Contributions to Homerton Hope help pay for additional equipment, research, and innovations, along with special touches and extras that complement the already existing high-quality care provided to patients.

As a socially conscious business, Quinn London immediately acknowledged the importance of this mission and has been actively involved in supporting Homerton Hope’s initiatives through various fundraising and volunteer activities for the past 12 months. This has been made possible by our work as the Principal Contractor on the Homerton Elective Centre.

As a company, we have organized a series of fundraising events with the goal of raising £5,000 for Homerton Hope. The first of these was a company-wide bake-off, where our staff members showcased their culinary skills by baking an array of delicious treats across both of our offices.

The next event on our agenda took place in April when Quinn London hosted a lively quiz night at their central London office, bringing employees together for an evening of fun, fundraising and a musical performance from a member of our team! Additional funds were raised through ticket sales and generous donations, further supporting Homerton Hope’s mission

We are also proud to share the significant support from our supply chain partners, who generously donated money to support our team in running the Hackney half Marathon!

Thanks to these combined efforts, Quinn London surpassed their initial fundraising goal, managing to raise a total of £5,690 for Homerton Hope. As a business, we would like to say a massive thank you to everybody involved in this effort!

Our collaboration with Homerton Hope has included several projects aimed at enhancing the patient experience across the hospital. These include the two rooms in the Neonatal ward’s parents’ rooms were refurbished, with fresh coats of paint creating a more inviting and comforting atmosphere for mothers receiving life-changing news.

We are also working with Homerton Hope on refurbishing an outdoor garden space, which will support patients through physical therapy and provide a serene environment for recovery. Furthermore, Quinn London is sponsoring a display wall in the emergency room, aimed to create a more welcoming and calming space for patients and their families.